

Making a positive impact on lives

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Meet Our Board

Our dedicated volunteer board is the driving force behind our organization’s success. Comprising a diverse group of passionate individuals, our board members bring a wealth of experience, expertise, and a shared commitment to our mission. Their selfless contributions of time and talent exemplify our core values and provide invaluable guidance in shaping our strategic direction. With a shared vision for positive change, our volunteer board leads by example, tirelessly working to ensure that our organization remains true to its mission, advances its goals, and continues to make a meaningful impact in our community. Their dedication and leadership inspire all of us to strive for excellence and exemplify the power of collective action in pursuit of a better world.

Amber Smith

Executive Director

Throughout my studies for my initial degree, I volunteered in many areas. When I became a mother in 2020, I had much time to ponder where my experience could be most beneficial. I come from a multi-generational military family, as well as having many service members I am proud to call my friends. In that same year, I rescued my dog from a shelter which coincided with a profound loss to a family member who was battling from service-related PTSD. Upon deep reflection I came to realize the magnitude in the comfort my Veteran grandfather received from his two dogs. In 2021 I held my first annual fundraiser for; IGY6 in which I was able to pair two veterans with dogs rescued from kill shelters. Because of the successful pairings and the overwhelming support of so many I can proudly say that I have found my calling. My patriotic passion to continue this journey has only just begun and I am hoping for a brighter future for both service members and their service dog.

Travis Partington

Board Chairman

Travis grew up in the Midwest before moving with his family to the South. From there he joined the Marine Corps and served as a radar operator for HAWK Missile System.

After the Marine Corps, Travis moved to the Boston area, and works for a financial services firm.

Currently, Travis serves as Board President for IGY6 -Two Lives at Once. He also serves on the Town of Abington’s Veterans Advisory Council.

Travis has a show called Oscar Mike Radio which is in its seventh year of production. He has done voice over, emcee work and audio book production.

Travis enjoys being a dad, the outdoors, archery, and riding his motorcycle. Being a father is the most rewarding aspect of Travis’ life.

You can go to www.travispartington.com or www.oscarmikeradio.com to see what Travis is doing and contact him there.


Susan Clancy


Susan is a lifelong resident of Massachusetts now living in Canton with her husband David. She has three children, Elizabeth, Kevin and Laura. Susan is an active volunteer in her church and has volunteered and managed fundraising events for area schools.
She has raised funds and provided support and contributions for causes including horse rescue shelters and campaigns for the University of New Hampshire Equine program and other non-profit organizations focused on the healing power in connecting animals and people.
She is an Underwriting Manager for National Mortgage Insurance Co. in Emeryville, CA for 10 years and has worked in the mortgage industry for 25 years. A member of National MI’s philanthropy committee, Susan and the other committee members evaluate and approve donations for charities across the country.

Kristin Chisholm


Kristin comes from a line of servicemen that goes back to the American Revolution, so support for veterans is basically in her blood. An avid animal lover, Kristin has supported the Animal Rescue League of Boston for nearly a decade through advocacy and fundraising. Professionally she has spent over 30 years in the insurance industry as an Accounting and IT professional. Her interests include theater, trivia, and playing French Horn in a local community band. She currently lives in Holbrook with her husband and rescue cats.

A Letter from our Director

Dear Supporters, Friends, and Fellow Advocates,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you as the CEO of IGY6-Two Lives at Once, and I want to share with you the profound journey that has brought me to this point and the incredible strides we have made as an organization. Our work in supporting veterans and rescuing shelter dogs has never been more crucial, and I am thrilled to have you on this journey with us.

My family’s military service spans back to World War I, where my great-grandfather courageously served our country. The legacy of service continued through the generations, with my grandfather, and my father who both served in the military. These men dedicated their lives to protecting our nation, and while they exhibited incredible bravery and resilience on the battlefield, they carried the invisible wounds of war with them long after their service was over.

Watching my grandfather and father struggle with PTSD was a heartbreaking experience. The scars of war haunted them, affecting not only their lives but the lives of everyone around them. This was the turning point in my life that prompted me to get deeply involved in veterans’ advocacy. I knew that we couldn’t leave our heroes to battle their demons alone. IGY6-Two Lives at Once was born from the desire to provide much-needed support and resources to our veterans, helping them regain a sense of normalcy and purpose in their lives.
The idea of “two lives at once” came to me when I realized that, just like our veterans, countless dogs were also suffering. The alarming rate at which dogs were being euthanized in shelters was heart-wrenching. I saw an opportunity to make a difference not only in the lives of our veterans but in the lives of shelter dogs as well. I wanted to find a way to help both these deserving groups simultaneously.

As we look ahead to 2024, I am thrilled to report that IGY6-Two Lives at Once is entering an exciting chapter in its history. We have made incredible strides in our mission to rescue shelter dogs and provide much-needed support for veterans struggling with PTSD. Our innovative programs, such as pairing veterans with service dogs and providing therapy through animal-assisted activities, have transformed lives and offered a glimmer of hope to those who have served our country.

But we can’t do it alone. We need your support. We need your passion. We need your dedication to the cause. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of our veterans and the shelter dogs who deserve a second chance. Your generosity can help us reach even more veterans, rescue more dogs, and change more lives.

So, I ask for your support, whether it’s through a donation, volunteering, or spreading the word about our organization. Together, we can make a lasting impact.
As we move forward, let us remember that our veterans have sacrificed so much to protect our freedoms. Let us honor their service by providing them with the support they need and the companionship of a loyal canine friend. Together, let us offer comfort to those who have served our country, ensuring that they can live their “two lives at once” with hope and dignity.

Thank you for being a part of the IGY6-Two Lives at Once family. With your help, we can continue our important work and make a brighter future for our veterans and their four-legged companions.

With deep gratitude and warm regards,

Amber Smith
Amber Smith CEO, IGY6-Two Lives at Once

Become a Volunteer Today

Why Volunteers Matter

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Your dedication and support make a world of difference, not only for the therapy dogs we rescue and train but also for the veterans who find solace and healing through their companionship. Here are some key areas where you can lend a helping hand:


Social Media

In the digital age, social media is a powerful tool for spreading awareness and connecting with our community. If you have a knack for online communication, your expertise in managing our social media platforms can make a tremendous impact.

Dog Care and Transportation

Our furry friends need care and attention as they go through their training and rehabilitation. Volunteers who can help with grooming, feeding, exercise, and transportation contribute significantly to our dogs’ well-being.

Event Planning

Organizing events and fundraisers is a vital part of our mission. If you have a talent for event planning, your creative ideas and logistical skills can help us host events that raise awareness and support for our cause.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the community is essential to our success. Volunteers who can represent IGY6 – Two Lives at Once at local events, workshops, and outreach programs help us connect with veterans and individuals who can benefit from our therapy dogs.

How to Get Involved

Becoming a volunteer with IGY6 – Two Lives at Once is a straightforward process. Simply reach out to our team, express your interest, and let us know which area of volunteering you’d like to contribute to. We’ll provide you with all the necessary information and guidance to get started.

Together, we can make a significant impact on “Two Lives at Once” – the lives of our therapy dogs and the veterans they serve. Join our cause, and let’s make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

If you are interested in our services, would like to volunteer, or want to support our mission, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're here to answer your questions, offer guidance, and welcome you into our compassionate community. Together, we can make a positive impact.







For More Information or to Volunteer