About Us


Making a positive impact on lives

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Our Story

At Two Lives at Once, we are deeply committed to making a profound impact in the lives of veterans struggling with PTSD. Our unwavering mission is to pair these courageous men and women with dogs that have been rescued from kill shelters, offering them a second chance at life. Through the generosity of kind-hearted donors like you, we are able to provide comprehensive training and service animal certification to these deserving veterans. But our mission doesn’t end there. We also offer ongoing support and guidance to ensure our veterans and their furry companions thrive together. Join us today and become a vital part of our incredible cause, where together, we can truly transform lives.

Mission & Approach

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to bridge the gap between rescue puppies and those in need of emotional support. We firmly believe in the healing power of the human-animal bond, and it is our goal to extend a helping hand to both rescue puppies and individuals facing difficult times.

IGY6: A Symbol of Resilience

The acronym “IGY6” embodies our core values. It stands for “I Got Your Six,” a term originating from military and first responder culture, signifying the unwavering support and watchful back of a comrade. We believe in extending this same level of support to those facing mental health challenges, trauma, or hardship.

Rescue, Train, Certify

Our journey begins with rescue puppies. We believe in giving a second chance to those who need it most. We source our puppies from shelters, where they may have faced hardships and uncertainty. These puppies are not only rescued from the shelter environment but also given a new lease on life, becoming agents of hope and healing.

Next, our expert trainers work tirelessly to transform these puppies into therapy dogs. This rigorous training process ensures they are well-behaved, obedient, and capable of providing the emotional support that our recipients require. Our commitment to excellence doesn’t stop there. We also ensure that each therapy dog passes the American Kennel Club (AKC) Good Citizen test, guaranteeing that they meet the highest standards of temperament and behavior.

Providing Hope at No Charge

We understand that the individuals we aim to serve may already be burdened with various challenges, which is why we provide our therapy dogs at no charge. Our goal is to break down barriers and make the healing power of therapy dogs accessible to Veterans suffering from PTSD, regardless of their financial situation.

Our Impact

The impact of our work extends far beyond the recipients. We witness the transformative power of therapy dogs in action, not only improving the lives of those in need but also strengthening the bonds within our community. Our therapy dogs become ambassadors of compassion, spreading joy, comfort, and hope wherever they go.







Become a Volunteer Today

Why Volunteers Matter

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Your dedication and support make a world of difference, not only for the therapy dogs we rescue and train but also for the veterans who find solace and healing through their companionship. Here are some key areas where you can lend a helping hand:


Social Media

In the digital age, social media is a powerful tool for spreading awareness and connecting with our community. If you have a knack for online communication, your expertise in managing our social media platforms can make a tremendous impact.

Dog Care and Transportation

Our furry friends need care and attention as they go through their training and rehabilitation. Volunteers who can help with grooming, feeding, exercise, and transportation contribute significantly to our dogs’ well-being.

Event Planning

Organizing events and fundraisers is a vital part of our mission. If you have a talent for event planning, your creative ideas and logistical skills can help us host events that raise awareness and support for our cause.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the community is essential to our success. Volunteers who can represent IGY6 – Two Lives at Once at local events, workshops, and outreach programs help us connect with veterans and individuals who can benefit from our therapy dogs.

How to Get Involved

Becoming a volunteer with IGY6 – Two Lives at Once is a straightforward process. Simply reach out to our team, express your interest, and let us know which area of volunteering you’d like to contribute to. We’ll provide you with all the necessary information and guidance to get started.

Together, we can make a significant impact on “Two Lives at Once” – the lives of our therapy dogs and the veterans they serve. Join our cause, and let’s make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

The IGY6 Difference

Rescuing and Rehabilitating Puppies

We understand the importance of second chances. That’s why we rescue puppies from shelters and give them a new lease on life. Our team works tirelessly to rehabilitate these young souls, providing them with love, care, and training. Through patience and dedication, we transform them into not just dogs, but companions who can provide unwavering support.

Professional Training and Certification

Every puppy we rescue undergoes comprehensive training to become therapy dogs. Our expert trainers work diligently to ensure that these dogs are well-behaved, obedient, and capable of providing comfort and emotional support. We take pride in the fact that our therapy dogs are American Kennel Club (AKC) certified, a testament to their skills and temperament.

Providing Hope at No Cost

One of the hallmarks of IGY6 – Two Lives at Once is our commitment to making a difference without financial barriers. We understand that the need for therapy dogs often arises during challenging times, and the last thing individuals should worry about is the cost. Therefore, we provide our certified therapy dogs to those in need at no charge.

If you are interested in our services, would like to volunteer, or want to support our mission, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're here to answer your questions, offer guidance, and welcome you into our compassionate community. Together, we can make a positive impact.







For More Information or to Volunteer